This morning I got up, gave the pot a little stir, dumped a pinch of salt, pepper, and paprika into a travel soup mug, scooped some soup in, and got ready to head off to work. I dumped about two cups of water in before I left to keep the stew from burning dry.
Lunch was absolutely delicious! I even shared a few bites with the girls I work with; so proud of my little stew that I just had to share. To explain, the thing that's really amazing about Eternal Soup is that as the heat breaks it down, the older ingredients move into the background broth. Yesterday when I made it, there were visible chunks of pepper, and bigger pieces of potato. Now, the chunks of potato are smaller, and the peppers appear gone -- because they have cooked into the stock. The fat of the meat does too, leaving you with an incredibly rich broth, and meat so tender it falls apart at the touch of the spoon. This is why I don't think you should toss a pot out... Give it a day or two, and the parts that aren't in harmony will melt together into background noise.
When I came home, I gave the pot another stir, and was thinking about what to throw in there when some friends called about making dinner plans. So dinner tonight was Outback, with no leftovers to donate to the pot. However, a friend told me today she found rabbit at the grocery store... So with my newfound sense of whimsy & adventure, I went looking for rabbits to put in my stew.
Unfortunately, my store didn't have rabbit... But it did have lamb... Another meat I've never dared to attempt. So I bought that, and a yam, and came home to play with my stew.
Today's Additions:
Half a yam, skinned and cubed
Two lamb shoulders, cut in chunks, and quickly seared
The bones from those lamb shoulders
I brought it all to boil for about 12 minutes, then lowered it down to it's standard simmer on Lo. I plan to fish out the bones; I just wanted the marrow to richen the stew. Adding it's water, I've tucked this project in to bed, and bid you all Fair Stewing!
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